Oh our Father the Lord
you wanted to glorify your son
with the passion of the Martyr Saints Fructuosus, bishop,
and his deacons Augurius and Eulogius,
like you wished to honour your church
with the glory of the martyrdom,
we plead from you the plenitude of the Holy Spirit’s grace,
to renovate in this jubilee year, the life of the church.
That according to your mercy and your promise,
we will never miss pastors who
will prepare for your people the Eucharistic table
We ask of you for the archbishop of this church, Jaume,
for all the pastors of this church,
and for all the priests and deacons,
who are following the example of the Martyr Saints,
to live in unity,
and teach the true faith,
to give their lives to the Gospel,
and love the church more than their own lives.
We ask of you as well
for all the people who work to spread the Gospel,
and to whom, for the love of Christ, serve the poor.
Convene, oh Father, your church,
extended from East to West, to unity
And comfort it in its pilgrimage towards the Kingdom.
Let the blessing of the Holy Spirit,
and the intersession of the Martyr Saints,
to come upon us,
upon our parishes and the religious communities,
upon the sick and the ones who suffer.
Let it descend upon our families,
upon our children and youth,
also upon our elderly.
To ignite every ones heart with love,
in a way,
like the Martyr Saints,
that we would be capable
of giving the testimony of the Gospel, with joy and strength,
not to give full priority to anything but love for Jesus Christ,
and that our communities would be a burning fire
of love, of testimony and of justice,
to let the glory of the resurrected lord shine,
to live with you in unity with the Holy Spirit,
for all the centuries to come. Amen.

Prayer for jubilee year.pdf